SOMBRA is a pseudonym of the split Montreal & Tokyo based producer/songwriter, Matthew Cataldo. Drawing inspiration from a spectrum spanning 90s alternative grunge and industrial to underground house, techno and trip-hop, SOMBRA’s music delves into introspection and claustrophobia, yet paradoxically unfolds as a colourful and chameleonic sonic journey.
“sandcastles” is SOMBRA’s first extended release since their 2020 debut album, “Free From Interruption.” Licensed and released under the European label DISRUPĆION, this 4-track EP embarks on a genre-defying journey with influences ranging from heavy alternative and industrial to trip-hop and house, all while maintaining a strong melodic pop orientation.
The EP delves into themes of Narcissistic Personality Disorder and obsessive behavior, with each song representing a new "castle in the sand"—a metaphor for the lies upon which people build and shape their lives. Ultimately, “sandcastles” explores finding meaning in the destruction of these lies, reflecting on the human condition and the path to healing from self-destructive behaviour.
The EP has also been printed as a limited release on Cassette Tape, which can be found here.
released 06.19
In 2023, SOMBRA focused on performing, with over 20 shows across Japan, including an opening slot for CBS Late Night alumni "In The Valley Below" on their Akai Tora tour. Stepping into prominence within the Tokyo indie music community, SOMBRA gained recognition for his lively, multi-sensory live shows that feature synchronized visuals, dancers performing original choreographies and a rotating cast of collaborators and band members [Ryosuke Ogasawara (Bass, Synth), Dennis Sullivan (Drums), Satomi Itohara (Dance/Choreo).
Following significant collaborations including a combined release with the award-winning Ghanian/Japanese hip-hop artist namichie, SOMBRA returned to the studio over the winter. The upcoming 2024 releases will consist of the early Summer release “sandcastles”, plus one more four-track EP in the winter. In addition a collaborative EP with Osaka-based producer and musician BLACKUR0 to be released late-summer.
2023年、SOMBRAは演奏活動に専念し、CBSレイトナイトの卒業生「In The Valley Below」の赤い虎ツアーでのオープニングを含め、日本全国で20回以上の公演を行った。東京のインディー音楽界で一躍脚光を浴びたSOMBRAは、シンクロしたビジュアル、ダンサーによるオリジナルの振り付け、そして交代で出演するコラボレーターやバンドメンバー[小笠原良助(ベース、シンセ)、デニス・サリヴァン(ドラムス)、糸原聖美(ダンス/コレオ)]をフィーチャーした、生き生きとした多感覚的なライブで注目を集めた。